Place as locale
Thursday, October 12, 2017
A number of students were confused or had questions about defining place in terms of "locale," in particular, but also distinguishing that definition from "location." A similar set of questions was about how "sense of place" fits into these expressions.
First, during the in-class observation of "where you are right now," what are examples of observations you made related to each expression of place (location, locale and sense of place)? How did you distinguish each category? (And, remember, you can always review slides from class via the Calendar).
Second, see this Guardian article on research about racial and ethnic diversity in urban neighborhoods. How would you break this research down in terms of:
- Location?
- Locale?
- Sense of place?
- How does the key concept of "passive tolerance," in particular, show how location, locale and sense of place are distinct but related?
The guardian article helped to understand the importance of knowing your neighbors. All of my neighbors hold different a different sense of place than mine. I know them all. Their locale holds facets of my place, while still making their place indirectly part of my locale. I am still struggeling with the terminology but I think I am getting closer to the fact that our tolerance, no not tolerance, our willingness to know our neighbors, ensures a way to bring people together.
Posted by: Peggy Smith | Friday, October 13, 2017 at 09:23 PM
First, I put the following for my in class observations:
Location: Western Oregon University
Locale: Cultural Geography Classroom
Sense of Place: Close to the front of the room, next to Peggy.
Location: United States, Europe, South Africa
Locale: Widely diverse neighborhood or city street.
Sense of Place: Tolerant and accepting place full of coexisting people.
Passive Tolerance: I'm not sure I completely understand how passive tolerance (the idea that the more you're exposed to diversity and tolerance, you as an individual, or even groups as a whole, become more tolerant). I would assume it has to do with people's sense of place in any given location. If someone has a better idea, let me know!
Posted by: McKenzie Brown | Saturday, October 14, 2017 at 03:26 PM
I agree with McKenzie that the location would be Unites States, Europe, and South Africa
The locale would be the area for social interaction which in the case of the article is the neighborhood.
How people felt living in the specific neighborhood is related to the sense of place. This could differ for each individual. Some people may feel as though they are outcasts. I'm not exactly sure but I think that Location, locale and sense of place are distinct but related since they each play in a role in the culture of a place.
Posted by: Samantha Sanchez | Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 06:55 PM
When reading the article from the Guardian the following quote really stood out to me, " What the study found was that distrust does rise in diverse communities, but day to day, direct contact cancels it out." By actually spending time and getting to know people different from ourselves there is less prejudice and mistrust between the members of the community.
Location: Monmouth, OR
Locale: A mix of college-aged students from within Oregon, outside of Oregon, students from China, Saudi Arabia, Japan, families, and elderly Caucasians.
Sense of Place: A clash between more tolerant, progressive ideas, acceptance, and traditional values, and preconceived ideas believed by the locals for many generations.
Passive Tolerance: I believe there is a lot of passive tolerance from the families and community members living in Monmouth who are not here for college or Western Oregon. Many of these people and their families have lived here for generations but understand that the University is what financially keeps the town and the community growing and thriving. Over the years the community has become more accepting and tolerate to diversity because of all the different students from different parts of the globe, but there are still some who are just passively tolerate.
I believe that passive tolerance links to the sense of place because knowing the general sense of a place will often tell you what a culture will and will not tolerate and what they embrace.
Posted by: Madison Overholser | Sunday, October 15, 2017 at 08:22 PM
When we first did it in class I distinguished each category basically by what I thought my own definitions were for it. Our Location? It was Monmouth Oregon, the locale? It was Western Oregon University. Sense of place? It was the feeling I had in the atmosphere of HSS room 111.
But after reading the article...
Location: Monmouth OR, (United States).
Locale: A town with a mix of different cultures and diversity.
Sense of Place: A trustworthy/accepting places of the diversity in the town.
Madison made a clear statement about passive tolerance in Monmouth, when she said that other people who live in the town that don't go here for school, are impacted by the diversity and the many different cultures that Western Oregon University brings to the town. Over the years it has been more accepting and tolerant now that its more diverse, but there are probably still some who are just passively tolerant.
Posted by: Kamalei P. | Monday, October 16, 2017 at 01:25 PM
At first I was kind of confused when we learned about the word locale because I had not hear it before. But after talking about it during class I understood better what it meant. Because it is similar to location but at the same time different. Location would be for example Monmouth, Oregon, then Locale would be a place with different races and cultures of people. Then sense of place would be a safe/welcoming environment for everyone. And I also agree with Madison about the passive tolerance in Monmouth she mentioned about.
Posted by: Jeanette Betancourt | Monday, October 16, 2017 at 10:58 PM
At the beginning of the class, I really confused with location, locale, and sense of place. But a lot of my doubts have been solved after the class discussion. I think the location is a particular place of settlement, activity, or residence. And locale are places which include different cultures and people from different countries. Sense of place is the particular characteristic of a place that makes it what it is.
Posted by: Yifan Lu | Monday, October 16, 2017 at 11:25 PM
Location is a specific place while locale is a broad area of separate locations. I believe sense of place is what gives locations meaning to people. Everybody can have a different sense of place for the same location. Tolerance is built up over time while exposed to something, so opening up to new locations and locales may change the way you feel about other places. Or maybe your sense of a place can change over time with new experiences. As with sense of place, opinions can also change, but first you have to be willing to open yourself up to new ideas, locations, and experiences.
Posted by: John Stone | Monday, October 16, 2017 at 11:44 PM
First, during the in-class observation of "where you are right now,"
Location: Monmouth, Oregon
Locale: University attracts tudents from different countries.
Sence of place: Students and the elderly accounted for a large proportion, a peaceful place to learning and pension.
Passive Tolerance: The university attracts students from different countris and cities, so a variety of culture meet here, collision and acceptance. Maybe local people don't like it, they will accept these changes, and receive some of the culture influences gradually in passive tolerance.
Posted by: Jiayue Wang | Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 12:29 AM
Madison definitely gave an excellent example on passive tolerance in Monmouth. I understood it but didn't know how to explain it for this post earlier and I feel as though I understand it more now and can better illustrate the connection of passive tolerance to sense of place and locale after reading Madison's spot on description!
Posted by: McKenzie Brown | Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 09:23 AM
John, I really liked your idea of gaining a new understanding of sense of place by visiting and experiencing different places and locales. Since 'sense of place' is the idea that place defines identity, it's interesting to think about what someone's experience may be when moving from one geographical location to another. What happens to their identity? For example, I met a couple people from WOU that recently moved here from Saipan (a small island east of the Philippines). They talk a lot about the non-representational aspects of living in Monmouth that are completely different from that of Saipan. Some of their examples are people drinking coffee every morning, grilling cheeseburgers on barbecues, and other examples of routines/actions that we don't normally consider. I imagine if I moved to Saipan I would experience a whole new sense of place. For example, the people in Saipan believe in Animism, (the belief that objects have a spirit within them such as a rock, or tree). Next time I see them I'll ask them how they feel the "place" in which they came from affects their "sense of place."
Posted by: Matt Herbert | Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 01:45 PM
Locale to me is about what makes up the place you are in. it took me a while to figure out examples of what it was, and how to explain it. First I had to start with learning what classified under as location, once I got a solid basis on that, everything else started to fall under. It became what I made it. for example, the weight room becomes the track, volleyball, football, and basketball room at different points, its even categorized as the weight room because of what is in it. When it comes to passive tolerance, I feel like a good example is region, if you live here and grew up here chances are you will be way more open to people diverse sexuality, appearance, and the way people act, compared to if you grew up in Texas where they are way more to them selves and one tract minded.
Posted by: Halie Korff | Tuesday, October 17, 2017 at 10:54 PM
When I think of locale, I think of the most comfortable place where I consistently feel safe, Where I know people, and where I feel in my heart a personal connection. For example, my apartment complex where I reside. I barely know anyone, but the fact that everyone respects each others space, are generous to one another and I feel comfortable asking for things or assistance such as getting a jump because my car died. I've experience some crazy things in this small community and this is my locale.
Posted by: Blake Egli | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 09:35 AM
I fell like when you live in a place long enough, you gain a lot of emotions and emotional connection with a number of locals. For example you could become a regular at the local coffee shop and you could go there enough that you know the workers well enough that all you have to say in the morning is "My regular please" and they know what you are talking about. When you are exposed to a new locale on the other hand you feel a little awkward for a while until you get to know everyone there.
Posted by: Mack Little | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 03:22 PM
At the beginning of class I was also super confused about the word locale, but the second review the next class day really helped. When I doing my notes on our field exercise I was able to grasp the concept even more. When I think of it I think of location as a place on the map that you can find. When I think of locale now I know that it is a pretty much a location more in depth, but can't be found in a map such as geography classroom. Then when thinking of sense of place is how that place makes me feel. I really like that we have these discussions in class because it helps me understand what it means and other peoples own definition which also helps because I can then choose whose makes better sense to me.
Posted by: alyssa orozco | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 06:00 PM
First, i am in Hemersly Librarydoing my homework and blogging. therefore,
my location is: Hemersly Library rm. 102
My locale is: a place where i can work in a group or by myself
My sense of place: somewhere where i can happily do my homework
Second, i choose Hemersly Library again
Location: Hemersly Library, Monmouth, OR
Locale: Place where college aged students go to study as a group or individuals as well as get coffee.
Sense of place: A clash between a study/ work place vs. a place to socialize and get coffee.
Passive Tolerence: I think that there is a lot of passive tolerance from the falcuty that work within the library that are not students. many of these falcuty members understand that the students keep the library running whether it is from working there or useing its resources. Over the years the faculty has changed to help the library cater to everyones needs.
Posted by: Jonathon Watt | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 06:55 PM
I agree with Blake's previous comment . Location is a place where you can pinpoint directly on a map and get to. Locale is more of a personal space where you have connection to. Everyones locale maybe different because they experience many different connections and emotions.
Example based on my experience:
Location: Western Oregons university Warner University Center
Locale: Calapooia room in the downstairs part of the WUC on a Tuesday evening
Sense of place: A meeting place for me and other students who want to get involved in MeCha. Similar people who have the same interest as me. We all come here to have a fun time and come to learn and grow as educated individuals.
The Calapooia room can be pinpointed on a map but the locale aspect of it is personal to me because it transforms into this safe space were I come to learn and express myself. The calapooia may change physically through the week but at a certain time and place it because a connection to me, it is my experience nobody can change that.
Posted by: Yazmin Hernandez Alvarez | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 08:59 PM
after reviewing locale, location, and sense of place it all makes sense more. Location i think of it a specific loccation for example the place you are at, this can be WOU, HSS, etc. Locale would be what the location is for, for example choosing the beach as the locale for a wedding or a party. sense of place i think of it how does that makes you feel, the emotions.
Posted by: Maria Regalado | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 09:40 PM
When I think about location the first thing that comes to my mind is an address. When I heard locale is a place within my community, where I feel comfortable, I place where if I go I am going to see familiar faces. The sense of the place is the emotion or the purpose of it.
Posted by: Crystal Contreras | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 10:39 PM
Everyone views location, locale and sense of place differently. Depending where you are and how broad the area may be, the location can be anywhere. Locale, I think you are narrowing where you are and is looking for landmarks or buildings to help narrow the field. Then sense of place, everyone has their own feeling of some places and that is okay. Passive tolerance helps distinguish places because that is the atmosphere. It connects location, locale, and sense of place by what people are doing and what that area may be known for or is the normal.
Posted by: Ming Ng | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 10:39 PM
My understanding of it is that currently my location is Western Oregon University, my locale is the atmosphere of my apartment, how its a quiet place to do homework right now, and my sense of place is that fact that I feel very comfortable and at home here. I think that locale and sense of place can definitely be subject to change. Someone may at one time use a location, like a building on campus for one activity, while the same building at another time can be used for a completely different purpose. Sense of place is definitely the most likely to change. It can be influenced by your experiences and current emotions. As far as passive tolerance goes, I think that a good amount of people express passive tolerance at one point or another. It may be because they just aren't really a part of that immediate culture, but are respectful of it and carry on with their own business, or maybe they are passively tolerant because they just don't know how or are not comfortable approaching or changing a situation.
Posted by: Emily Miller | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 11:08 PM
like a lot of others, I am able to now identify the differences. At first, it was difficult to view them as different but after going over it in class a few times it became clear as to what location, locale, and sense of place were. Location is a physical place such as western oregon university. Locale is where you feel comfortable and somewhere you would see familiar faces. sense of place is your emotion and your belonging
Posted by: Grecia diaz | Wednesday, October 18, 2017 at 11:27 PM
To my knowledge, my location is Western Oregon University, my locale is the atmosphere of my house where I feel very peaceful, calm, and comfortable. I agree with Emily and think that locale is not permanent and is able to change depending on the circumstances. With having said this, I agree with Ming and think that everyone has a different view of location and locale. Then when you add in passive tolerance, it shows the sense of the place in what people are doing.
Posted by: Kaylee Nauta | Sunday, October 22, 2017 at 10:32 PM
I think the this was so difficult at first because I did not understand that location was where we are in a map. I would always confuse the Locale and Location. Locale is a delicate thing because it could easily slip to where you are on the map. In the article the Location is Europe, United States, South Africa. Locale is city street. Sense of place is diversity.
Posted by: Ana Bautista | Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 10:57 PM